富衛榮獲香港經濟日報e-zone 頒發e-世代品牌大獎2015之「最佳僱員福利流動應用程式」
FWD has been conferred the honour of “The Best of Employee Benefits Mobile App” in the e-brand Awards 2015 of Hong Kong Economic Times’ e-zone
富衛eServices 流動應用程式提供多元化的保險服務及產品資訊,讓客戶隨時隨地瀏覽團體醫療保障資料如範圍、索償狀況和網絡醫生等。這次獲獎是對此流動應用程式作出肯定,我們將發送電郵予現有團體醫療保險成員,鼓勵他們體驗此流動應用程式。我們亦會繼續努力,致力創造保險新體驗!頒獎禮已於2015年8月13日在香港尖沙咀凱悅酒店舉行。想知更多實況? 請留意2015年8月31日香港經濟日報!
FWD eServices App provides insurance mobile app service with all-in-one group medical insurance services and information such as benefit schedule, claim status, panel doctors. This award has recognized our commitment in the eServices App. We will send email to our existing group medical insurance members to invite them to experience this app and we will keep doing our best to change the way people feel about insurance! The prize presentation ceremony was held at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui on August 13, 2015. For more details, please refer to Hong Kong Economic Times published on August 31, 2015!